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SOD (Salient Object Detection) is a topics in deep learning that by given a image, SOD can automatically segmentize the most interested objects of the image without any hints. SOD learns how human see the interested objects by detecting the denisity of feature points and segmentize the most dense parts. So far, U2Net provide a state of art performance.

First results of U2Net

These are the first results of the U2Net on target benchmark images. For the full results can be checked in Chimay-SOD1 and asubset Chimay-SOD2 can be found.

{% include ideal-image-slider/slider.html selector="slider1" %}

Image sliders

In this page, image slider for jekyll and its js code is used for image slider. Also a Jekyll Ideal Image Slider Include Demo shows the possiblity of Ideal Image Slider.
