This POC, a consequential POC of face-api.js, regonize the face from camera and find the nearest avatar from thousands avatars generated from avatar generators.
SOD (Salient Object Detection) is a topics in deep learning that by given a image, SOD can automatically segmentize the most interested objects of the image without any hints. SOD learns how human see the interested objects by detecting the denisity of feature points and segmentize the most dense parts. So far, U2Net provide a state of art performance.
These are the first results of the U2Net on target benchmark images. For the full results can be checked in Chimay-SOD1 and asubset Chimay-SOD2 can be found.
{% include ideal-image-slider/slider.html selector="slider1" %}
The above image is one result of SRGAN. It is not good in artwork image. Visit the online benchmark comparsion of SRGAN of several different images on POC: Super Resolution with waifu2x
Super Resolution of images are important for video quality. Common SR like bicubic or lanczos3, now embedded in GPU as default SR. But, in 4K display or larger display, common SR is not enough, SR with Deep learning provide significant improvements on differnt target images.
Super resolution of images highly depends the properties of the image, like animation, line draw, or a full color complex nature images will have different results on different algorithms. Here we benchmark several traditional SR algorithm of bicubic, lanczos3, (Bell, and ....) from imageenlarger and do a comparison with a DL SR on line draw or animation style image.
Now we provide A/B Test on the different target images to verify the results of deep learning and normal images.
1096x632_PPT_image is a 1096x632 size PNG with words and graph PPT. We use it to identify the clearance of the SR.
SRMD-NCNN = waifu2x-NCNN = waifu2x > lanczos3 > bicubic > Anime4K > SRGAN (bicubic is most GPU interpolation algorithm. So lanczos3 and waifu2x show better results to normal GPU). SRGAN, Anime4K: SR result is GG..
After above, you can have first version of image compariosn slider. But, if you want to change the label of the images. you will need to find default_with_image_slider.html and modify the code as below in the beginning of the .md file