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Data centric AI


In GenAI, Data, Jul 24, 2024

Blog with Jekyll and Github pages

OverviewRecently, an excel data with many cells need to query from chatgpt and feed its response into the same table as an results. How can we have it based on current google framewor...

In DevOps, Jul 17, 2024

Raspberry PI with github actions runner

OverviewPre-requisitesRefrences RaspberryPi+Github Actions+CI/CD How we set up a production CI workflow with GitHub actions github awesome-raspberry-pi

In IOT, Jul 15, 2024

ChatGPT with GoogleSheet via Google app script

OverviewRecently, an excel data with many cells need to query from chatgpt and feed its response into the same table as an results. How can we have it based on current google framewor...

In GenAI, Jul 12, 2024

Data visualization

OverviewRefrences [Day 19] 無法分類的其他圖表們1 [Day 20] 無法分類的其他圖表們2

In Data, Sep 20, 2023



In Synology, Sep 17, 2023

Gitlab-runner in Synology NAS

Overview# For files with "RSA" in the nameopenssl rsa -in RSA-privkey.pem -out rsa.key# For files with "ECC" in the nameopenssl ec -in ECC-privkey.pem -out ecc.key# For certificate fi...

In Synology, DevOps, Sep 16, 2023

AIOT data collection- Part 4- Alert


In Data, Jul 29, 2021


Technology must align with the goals of User needs and Businees Goals or it is just a works make things more complicated.

In DevOps, Jun 13, 2021

High Availablity Deployment

HA InfluxDB in dlc/TDCReferences docker下用keepalived+Haproxy實現高可用負載均衡叢集 [Day5] 實現 Kubernetes 高可靠架構部署 HA InfluxDB as an external storage for Prometheus Monitoring a server cluster u...

In DevOps, Jun 13, 2021

Deep Learning

Data Engineer

In AI, Deep Learning, May 24, 2021

NLP- Word Understanding

In NLP, May 13, 2021

Tracking vs. Privacy

References 《選擇同意(opt-in)?選擇退出(opt-out)?企業因應兩種不同制度設計注意事項》(台灣)

In BigData, May 11, 2021

3D Model from A Image

References crazytalk- talking avatar Headshot PIFuHD: Multi-Level Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function for High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization 3D Face Reconstruction: Make a Realisti...

In 3D, Apr 28, 2021

AIOT data collection- Part 2

This post focuses on concepts of big data before go deeper of technology.

In Data, IOT, Apr 27, 2021

AIOT data collection

AIOT data collection

In Data, IOT, Apr 10, 2021